When the time for engine oil chase is coming, many oil and lubricant users starting to look for discounts so that they could by a product cheaper. This is perfectly understandable and justifiable that each of us wants to save, but in most cases these buyers are not bind to any brand and are not loyal to it. Perhaps it came from supermarkets – people are buying necessary and unnecessary gods that have discounts.

For the customers in Lithuania we have an individual solution!
Purchase oils and lubricants with discounts, from any place anytime!

PETRONAS oils and lubricants can be purchased 24 hours a day!
PETRONAS oils and lubricants with discount canлbe purchased online!
Internet shop can be accessed via this address:

Please book a newsletters and you always receive most updated information on discount promotions and loyalty programs.

PETRONAS oil recommendation and selection – by your car and its brand.

We value every customer, no matter how big or small demand is for oils, we have developed various loyalty programs. Petronas loyalty programs are intended to be not only for individual drivers or end users but also to wholesalers and legal entities who have their own auto park, lawnmower, motorcycle or any other equipment requires high-quality oil.


Loyalty program for business Loyalty program for consumer